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Meet Iris

Certified Mental Health Coach &

Spiritual Transformational Leader

Iris Leon is a fervent Apostolic leader with a divine calling to equip and empower the body of Christ for a significant outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Her mission is deeply rooted in inspiring believers to align their lives with God's divine will, with a strong focus on the transformation of the heart and the awakening to the true identity as God's chosen people. Iris's passion extends beyond her monthly gatherings; she actively shares her weekly revelations through live broadcasts and her engaging podcast, "To The Table and Cultura Crossing." On these platforms, she bravely tackles challenging and essential topics, fostering open discussions, and confronting difficult issues directly.


Her unwavering dedication to empowering communities is evident in her efforts to prepare them for the glorious return of Christ. This preparation includes helping churches establish prayer rooms and develop leaders, assisting upcoming churches in creating impactful programs, co-pastoring, leading over 300 hours of regional worship, and countless hours dedicated to regional equipping. Iris has also been instrumental in planting two apostolic hubs, furthering her mission to spread the gospel.


In addition to her leadership roles, Iris is a certified mental health and life coach, specializing in crisis and trauma intervention. For the past 13 years, she has been diligently working in the healing and deliverance ministry, helping people receive breakthroughs for their next season in life. Iris is also known for her fiery preaching of the gospel and her profound teachings of biblical revelations. She is a powerhouse in her life coaching sessions, inspiring transformation and empowerment in all who listen. Her vibrant community serves as a sanctuary for those seeking a deeper connection with God, a belief in deliverance, and a fervent appreciation for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Iris herself puts it best: "If you want to surround yourself with people who believe in deliverance, believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and are passionate about God, then this is the community for you."

Business conference

Be Made Whole Workshops

Join a transformative journey of deepening your connection with God through our workshop, where mindfulness practices intertwine with spiritual renewal. Led by Iris Leon, a certified mental health and life coach with over a decade of experience in healing and empowerment, this workshop provides practical techniques to foster inner awareness and spiritual identity.

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